Online Medical Consult

Theraphy by videoconference: the medical consult of the future


Dr. Antonio Vázquez, Maxillofacial Surgeon, operates on patients around the world

Make you first surgical medical visit online and save up money and time

Request for quotation without moving


Do you need a quick medical consult from home?

Do you have no time to go to the doctor?

Do you want a fast service and not wait for your turn in a waiting room?

Do you want to know the Budget before traveling to the doctor’s office?


If you’ve ever asked one of these questions, AVR Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic brings you the opportunity to make online medical consults via Skype with your surgeon. Talk to your doctor, whenever and wherever you want.

You only have to request the service through our website and download the Skype application. We will make sure that right time is set with the doctor, so that you can make you medical consult online with total confidentiality.


In addition to the advantages before (time saving, comfort and easy handling), this online system allows you to exchange documents or links between patient and professional, as well as to leave the most important part of the visit documented.

Keep in mind that virtual attention does not replace the physical one, but it’s complementary, because you always have to go to the medical center for testing. The surgeon Antonio Vázquez, specialist who performs surgery in Barcelona and around the world, can offer this online tour system to facilitate paperwork and costs to his patients.

For patients outside the city or Barcelona or outside Spain, a first online visit is made, so the patient and the surgeon can meet each other. From there, whenever possible, a budget can be drafted ad-hoc.


Online medical consults via Skype with your trusted maxilofacial surgeon.

Hire your visit making the payment now

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**Secure payment

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