ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY Maxillofacial Surgery Barcelona. Maxillofacial AVR Clinic By orthognathic surgery we understand maxillary surgery that corrects the occlusion defects. The facial changes are noticeable depending on the bone movements that we perform and that will have to adapt personally to each face. The thorough study of the face, the perception of the desire of the patients, the occlusal knowledge, the aesthetic perception, together in collaboration with your orthodontist is the way towards patient satisfaction.
MANDIBULAR MAXILLARY BONE DISTRACTION Maxillofacial Surgery Barcelona. Maxillofacial AVR Clinic Traditionally the deformity of the facial skeleton could not be corrected until adulthood. Thanks to these new techniques we can enlarge a jaw since the person is thirteen years old, thanks to a process called IMDO (Intermolar Distraction Osteogenesis) that allows to correct severe II classes at an early age, avoiding the child psychological stress before the teenage years. Facial asymmetries, as well as severe maxillary hypoplasia can be corrected.
NATURAL MENTOPLASTY Maxillofacial Surgery Barcelona. Maxillofacial AVR Clinic In the traditional chin advances of more than 4mm, some in-aesthetic sinking are visible in the lower edge of the mandible. With the chin-wing technique, we can advance the chin up to 10mm without showing deffects in the mandible lower line, as well as extending up to the mandible’s angel and improving the patient’s profile in a natural way.