CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

Dr Antonio Vázquez cures sleep apnea with a progressive mandibular elongation

In addition to lifestyle changes, people with moderate to severe OSA need CPAP treatment.

It consists of a small pump that, through a mask that encompasses mouth and nose, introduces air continuously that keeps the airways open.

CPAP requires some adaptation time. There are patients who do not tolerate it, but people who can adapt to it experience a great improvement in their symptoms.

CPAP is managed by the National Health Service and it is one of the most effective treatments to mitigate sleep apnea. It also reduces hoarseness and improves arterial hypertension.

The adverse effects of this treatment are:

  • Mask problems
  • Nasal congestion and irritation
  • Difficulty when breathing through the nose
  • Headache and earache
  • Stomach pain and flatulence

The first versions caused nasal dryness and throat. However, modern versions include humidifiers that help mitigate these signs

If you wish to require more information, send us an email to:


Dr Vazquez Maxillofacial Surgeon Maxilofacial


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En la Clínica de Cirugía Maxilofaciall AVR se realizan los siguientes servicios: cirugía estética facial, implantes dentales, cirugía oral, cirugía ortognática, cirugía orbitaria, oncología de cabeza y cuello, cirugía glándulas silabares, traumatología facial, cirugía de labio leporino, articulación temporomandibular y feminización facial. Solicita una visita informativa para cualquier tratamiento.


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