Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAD)

Dr. Antonio Vázquez cures sleep apnea with a progressive mandibular elongation

These splints cause a mandibular advancement that can improve mild apneas.

They are not recommended in more severe OSAS, although they may be a solution in some cases when the patient doesn’t tolerate CPAP.

The function of the MAD is to push the jaw forward, increasing the passage of air posterior, improving the passage of air.

These splints must be done with the supervision of professionals stomatologists, because when they are applied in a wrong way they can cause adverse effects. badly done can cause adverse effects.

Edentulous patients can’t be carrying them with crowns or bridges, they should request advised to professionals, so that the MAD does not damage the dentures.

If you wish to require more information, send us an email to:


Dr Vazquez Maxillofacial Surgeon Maxilofacial

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